Sylvia F. Lodish Religious School
sylvia f. lodish religious school
!ברוכים הבאים | Bruchim Haba'im!
Welcome! Our Religious School aims to develop a community of children and families who have the skills, knowledge and inspiration to be active members of the Jewish community. Our outstanding faculty consists of experienced teachers who have the education and passion to help Judaism come alive for their students, making our ancient tradition relevant for the lives of our 21st century American Jewish children.
Our program is guided by the following values:
אהבת תורה Ahavat Torah Inspiring a love of learning and a positive Jewish identity
אהבת ישראל/אהבת הבריות Ahavat Yisrael/Ahavat Hab’riot Instilling a sense of responsibility for the Jewish people and for all humanity
בית הכנסת Beit Haknesset Developing the skills and comfort to participate in synagogue life
אמונה Emunah Nurturing a sense of awe and wonder, connected to belief in God
ארץ ישראל Eretz Yisrael Fostering a love of and commitment to the Land and People of Israel
תלמוד תורה/שמירת מצוות Talmud Torah/Shmirat Mitzvot Cultivating knowledge and observance of Jewish practice at home and in their lives.
Days and Times:
Kindergarten & 1st Grade (Gan & Aleph)
Sundays | 9:00 am - 12:15 pm
2nd - 7th Grades (Bet - Zayin)
Sundays | 9:00 am - 12:15 pm
Wednesdays | 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Shabbat School (once a month)
Saturdays | 9:00 am - 12:15 pm
Once a month, all students come on Shabbat (Saturday) morning instead of Sunday. The Shabbat School incorporates study of the weekly Torah portion, participation in Shabbat morning services and other Shabbat appropriate activities.
In case of inclement weather, check for school closing on KWY 1060: Montgomery county 273
Families will also be notified via e-mail and the Facebook private group page.
If you have any questions please contact Lisa Richman
Tue, March 25 2025
25 Adar 5785