Covid Policy Update
04/21/2022 11:10:47 AM
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Last night, our Board of Directors had a vigorous and respectful debate over the synagogue's mask policy. Here is what you should know:
- Beginning on Monday, April 25th, the synagogue will be mask optional - the full policy is listed below.
- The ECC and RS are not included in this decision. Their committees and Directors are able to make these decisions in coordination with the Executive Director and Synagogue President.
- There will be times and places that masks might still be required - often in conjunction with school hours.
- B'nai Mitzvah families and program coordinators are able to request that attendees wear masks and the synagogue may designate certain sections of the sanctuary as mask required
- Vaccination and booster where eligible are still required. You can upload your vaccine information here.
- This was not a unanimous decision and can be changed based on updated information
Throughout the pandemic, our community and all communities have been trying hard to find balance. Our tradition teaches us of the importance of arguments for the sake of heaven and of sharing all sides of a discussion. Here are a few of the factors that were considered:
- Opinions of the doctors on our task force
- Policies of other synagogues
- Philadelphia health department changing their policies
- CDC Guidelines
- Taking care of our children, elderly and those that are immunocompromised
- Individual choices
- Local cases
- Local hospitalizations
We are so proud of our Board of Directors for their discussions and their leadership. If you have any questions, please reach out to Ken Krivitzky at or Barb Bookman at
Wishing you a meaningful end of Pesach,
Barb Bookman, Josh Kohn, Ken Krivitzky
The Board of Directors resolves as follows:
- Effective April 25, masks will be optional inside synagogue facilities, except during specified times and in space dedicated for use by the ECC and RS. The Board of Directors authorizes the President, Executive Director and ECC Director and RS Director to designate such times and space.
- Further, should the conditions in our communities change such that the level of community spread rises or the CDC adjusts its COVID-19 public health guidance, this change in the synagogue mask policy will be revisited and hereby authorizes the President and the Executive Director acting in concert to adjust this policy.
- Further, the synagogue respects individual decisions regarding whether or not to wear a mask. While no longer required, all members of our community are welcome to wear a face covering at any time, for any reason.
- Further, certain events and services within the sanctuary, at the request of the organizer or participating families and subject to approval of the President and the Executive Director acting in concert, may provide dedicated space in the sanctuary where masks shall be required.
- Further, the Board of Directors reminds the community that wearing a well-fitted mask will help protect one from contracting COVID-19, even if those around you are not wearing masks. Masks are highly effective at reducing the risk of contracting any respiratory virus for the person wearing the mask.
- And, further, the synagogue’s COVID-19 vaccination requirement for entrance into synagogue facilities shall remain in place at this time.
Sun, February 23 2025
25 Shevat 5785