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Sunday Check-in: L'Dor V'Dor, From Generation to Generation

05/01/2022 06:15:02 PM


A lot of our focus this year has been on the concept of legacy: honoring the legacy of Rabbi and Lori Cooper (more details here), creating a legacy society for our community (more information on that coming to your mailboxes shortly). There is a powerful story from the Talmud that is often told when discussing legacy,  

Talmud Bavli, Masekhet Ta’anit 23a: “One day he [Honi] was walking down the road when he saw a man planting a carob tree. Honi said to the man, “How many years will this tree need to produce fruit?” the man answered, “70 years”. Honi said, “Is it so clear to you that you will live 70 years?” The man answered, “I found carob trees in the world. Just like my ancestors planted for me, I plant for my children.”  

Today, we wish to share that we are giving back to those that have planted trees in our community. Our synagogue is blessed to have many congregants that have been here for decades, some of whom from the earliest years of the congregation. In appreciation of all that these members have done for our community, and recognition of the economic pressures facing our community, the synagogue is changing dues to a voluntary contribution for those that are 90 and above. Now, those members will be able to donate an amount of their choosing as best fits their means.  

We want to say thank you to those that have provided leadership to our community and may we spend many more years together celebrating and thriving.  

Barb Bookman     Josh Kohn  
President             Chairperson of the Board

Sun, February 23 2025 25 Shevat 5785