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Weekend Schedule

05/13/2022 02:39:17 PM


Shabbat Shalom,

It is an incredibly busy weekend for us (yeah!) and there is something for everyone. A few comments and highlights:

  • The Bat Mitzvah family is requesting that those coming to the sanctuary tomorrow for the service be masked. 
  • Today's temperature is absolutely beautiful - so come out to the Chapel and Patio tonight for Shabbat services. Join me in sitting outside and enjoying the weather. Or come to the ECC Shabbat where we will celebrate our students and teachers!
  • Tomorrow, Rabbi Cooper and Rabbi Skorka will be having a conversation after Shabbat kiddush on Rabbi Skorka's new book.
  • Sunday, the ECC has their trike-a-thon to bring the community together and to help fundraise for a new piece of playground equipment. Trike-a-thon will be moved inside for bad weather.
  • Lag B'Omer is this Wednesday. Early weather reports are looking good. 

For your Shabbat viewing, here is the d'var torah from Jess, last week's Gil HaMitzvot. I think that Jess did an excellent job describing the type of community that we aspire to be. 

Have a great weekend!



Weekend Calendar

Friday | May 13 
5:30 PM (live) 
| ECC Kabbalat Shabbat Service | Outside/Sanctuary 
6:00 PM (hybrid) | Kabbalat Shabbat Services | Holocaust Memorial Chapel and Chapel Patio | click here to join on zoom | Meeting ID: 981 2156 8250 | Passcode: Shabbat
7:50 PM | Light Shabbat Candles 

Saturday | May 14
Torah Reading: Emor
9:30 AM (hybrid) | 
Shabbat Services celebrating the Bat Mitzvah of Noa Vetter | click here for Zoom service | Passcode: Yad | Sanctuary
11:00 AM (live) Cookie Minyan (Playground Porch) with Yehudit Rubin and Tot Shabbat (Sukkah Area) with Rachel Thomas 
12:00 PM (live) | Congregational Kiddush Lunch sponsored by Elana and Kenneth Vetter in honor of Noa Vetter becoming a Bat Mitzvah 
1:00 PM (live) | Returning to Life After the Storm, a Conversation between Rabbi Cooper and Rabbi Skorka | Holocaust Memorial Chapel
8:55 PM | Havdallah

Sunday | May 15 
9:00 AM (live) 
| Religious School 
9:00 AM (zoom) | Shacharit (Morning Services) |  click here to join  | Meeting ID: 840 2551 5571 | Passcode: Amida  
11:00 AM (live) | Better Together | Sanctuary 
12:30 PM (live) | Cub Scouts prep for Lag B'Omer | Library 
3:00 PM (live) | ECC Trike-a-thon | Front Parking Lot 
7:45 PM (zoom) |  Ma'ariv (Evening) Service online | Zoom | click here to join  | Meeting ID: 840 2551 5571 | Passcode: Amida 

Sun, February 23 2025 25 Shevat 5785