Weekend Schedule - Change of Mask Policy
05/20/2022 12:13:47 PM
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Shabbat Shalom,
Last night, Montgomery County was listed as moving to a High Community Covid-19 Level. This change is based on an increase in the number of covid cases and an increase in the hospitalizations of people with covid. At the high level, the CDC recommends masking indoors for everyone. Beginning this evening, TBH-BE will be requiring masks again at all indoor services, events, classes and meetings, except while eating/drinking. When possible, we will hold events and meals outdoors (and will let you know in advance - for instance, tomorrow's kiddush will be in a tent outside). This mask requirement will be removed once the county level is lowered. It is quite possible that we will change this policy repeatedly in the coming weeks so please watch our website and these Friday emails.
As you have probably heard, there is currently a baby formula shortage in our society. If you (or a family member) has need for please let us know. We have several families that have supply available. If you have formula that you are no longer using, please let us know and we will work to match people up.
And now for your regularly scheduled email:
We have another packed weekend of programming coming up. Kabbalat Shabbat services tonight will take place in the Holocaust Memorial Chapel (and Chapel patio weather permitting)
Tomorrow features a Havurah service as well as the Bar Mitzvah of Micah Friedman. Judith and Oren Friedman will be sponsoring kiddush in a tent in the parking lot.
Sunday morning, we have a special event in memory of John Rothschild (z"l). The event will be slightly different than originally planned - our speaker is not able to make it and instead there will be a sports (and Eagles) themed trivia contest along with people sharing memories of John.
Sunday will also feature one of our baking Challah programs, so come to the kitchen at 12:30pm to help us make challot that will be frozen for congregants to take each week.
Wishing you a great weekend!
Weekend Schedule
Friday | May 20
6:00 PM (hybrid) | Kabbalat Shabbat Services | Chapel and Chapel Patio | click here to join on zoom | Meeting ID: 981 2156 8250 | Passcode: Shabbat
7:56 PM | Light Shabbat Candles
Saturday | May 21
Torah Reading: Behar
9:30 AM (live) | Lay-Led Service Coordinated by the Havurah | Chapel/Chapel Patio
9:30 AM (hybrid) | Shabbat Services celebrating the Bar Mitzvah of Micah Friedman | click here for Zoom service | Passcode: Yad | Sanctuary
11:00 AM (live) | Cookie Minyan (Playground Porch) with Yehudit Rubin and Tot Shabbat (Sukkah Area) with Rachel Thomas
12:00 PM (live) | Congregational Kiddush Lunch sponsored by Judith and Oren Friedman in honor of Micah becoming Bar Mitzvah. | Outside
9:02 PM | Havdallah
Sunday | May 22
9:00 AM (live) | Religious School
9:00 AM (zoom) | Shacharit (Morning Services) | click here to join | Meeting ID: 840 2551 5571 | Passcode: Amida
9:30 AM (live) | 7th grade journey program | Coslov Auditorium
10:00 AM (zoom) | Men's Club Trivia and Brunch in memory of John Rothschild (z''l) | Chapel Patio | click here to join | Meeting ID: 850 3913 3053 | Passcode: 491675
11:00 AM (zoom) | Study Torah with Friends | Click here | Meeting ID: 859 6521 2705 | Passcode: Abraham
12:30 PM (live) | Challah Bake and Take - come help out in the kitchen!
7:45 PM (zoom) | Ma'ariv (Evening) Service online | Zoom | click here to join | Meeting ID: 840 2551 5571 | Passcode: Amida
Sun, February 23 2025
25 Shevat 5785