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TGIS: Thank God It's Shabbat

07/01/2022 01:56:56 PM


Shabbat Shalom,

See, I told you, you would still be hearing from me – although in a slightly different format.  On Sunday, I wrote that we are combining the Friday and Sunday emails. Here is our new, TGIS email (name subject to change and open for suggestions). It will include quick thoughts from the Torah (which will often be messages/videos from Rabbi Witkovsky and others) that will hopefully spark conversations for you over Shabbat, including any important messaging that we have to share – similar to what we have included in past Sunday check-in messages, and the Shabbat/weekend calendar. As the weeks go on, we will be playing and adapting it to help the email find its “voice.” It will be sent from various members of our staff and community. And with that...

This weekend’s Torah portion is Korach. It tells the story of an attempted coup against Moses. While the text is fascinating, I know it more though from Pirke Avot – the Jewish book of ethics. Pirke Avot references Korach in one of my favorite lines in Jewish tradition, one I often think about when posting online, debating politics, and interacting with others.

Pirke Avot 5:17

(17) Every argument that is for [the sake of] heaven's name, it is destined to endure. But if it is not for [the sake of] heaven's name -- it is not destined to endure. What is an example of an argument for the sake of heaven's name? The argument of Hillel and Shammai. What is an example of an argument not for the sake of heaven's name? The argument of Korach and all of his congregation.

Hillel and Shammai had vigorous debates throughout their lives (and the pages of the Talmud). Their debates though were not personal. They were about trying to correctly interpret the Torah and God’s will. On the other hand, Korach had criticisms of Moses and Aaron. Some might have even been valid critiques – however, his purpose was not to improve the system, his purpose was to gain power for himself. This one line has so much relevance for today’s society and our current lives. My challenge to each of us this Shabbat – when we are having a discussion with someone, a spouse, a child, a friend or a random person on the internet, what are we trying to accomplish? Are we trying to win the argument/own someone or to learn from one another/open someone’s mind to your point of view to improve the world? Our motivation is a key factor in if an argument is for the sake of heaven or not.

As you are at home or driving this weekend, please remember that Lisa Richman has prepared an excellent Shabbat playlist on spotify. We hope that this will help get you in the mood for Shabbat. 

This Shabbat, please join us in the Holocaust Memorial Chapel and patio for Kabbalat Shabbat services. Tomorrow’s service will be in the Sanctuary followed by kiddush. During tomorrow’s kiddush, please be aware that we will be starting composting. Please help us by paying attention to where you place your food, utensils and plates. We will have a special compost bin for you to empty your compostable items and lists on the tables of what is and is not compostable. If something not compostable gets tossed in with the compostable items, it ruins the process so we ask for your help in this process. This week, we will move away from someone serving the bagels to you and will have that person stationed at the compost bins to help direct you as you clean the tables. If you would like to volunteer at a future kiddush with this important task to help people place items in the right bin, please let me know.

Last reminder – don’t forget to rsvp for our Shabbat next week welcoming in the Witkovsky family and our Beyond BBQ on the 14th. If you have friends that you think might consider joining our synagogue (or rejoining the synagogue if they are former members), please ask them to rsvp as well. There is no cost for the BBQ for new or prospective members.

Have a great weekend!

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Weekend Calendar

Friday | July 1

7:45 AM (zoom) | Shacharit (Morning Services) | click here to join | Meeting ID: 840 2551 5571 | Passcode: Amida 6:00 PM (hybrid) | Kabbalat Shabbat Services | Holocaust Memorial Chapel | click here to join | Meeting ID: 981 2156 8250 | Passcode: Shabbat 8:16 PM | Light Shabbat Candles 

Saturday | July 2 Torah Reading: Korach 

9:30 AM (hybrid) | Shabbat Services | click here to join | Passcode: Yad | Sanctuary
11:00 AM (live) | Cookie Minyan and Tot Shabbat with Yehudit Rubin on the playground porch 12:00 PM (live) | Congregational Kiddush sponsored by Sisterhood | Cherry auditorium 9:24 PM | Havdalah

Sunday | July 3 

9:00 AM (zoom) | Shacharit (Morning Services) |  click here to join | Meeting ID: 840 2551 5571 | Passcode: Amida  7:45 PM (zoom) | Ma'ariv (Evening Services) | click here to join | Meeting ID: 840 2551 5571 | Passcode: Amida

Sun, February 23 2025 25 Shevat 5785