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TGIS - Thank God It's Shabbat: featuring our first Shabbat video from Rabbi Witkovsky

07/08/2022 12:52:47 PM


Shabbat Shalom,

We are so excited for this weekend, our first with Rabbi Witkovsky as our Rabbi.  Please see the calendar below for detailed information on location, food, etc. If the weather holds out, we will be holding services outside near the playground. Please enter through the lobby and go to the sukkah area. Volunteers will be available to direct you. In case of rain, we will move to the sanctuary. There are a few new additions that we are including this weekend.

  1. Tonight, we will be offering instruments for a few songs during Kabbalat Shabbat. Drums and egg shakers will be available for people to participate.
  2. After Lecha Dodi on Friday evening, Rabbi Witkovsky will lead us in the blessing over the children followed by a teaching with the community
  3. We have name tags and lanyards available in the lobby for every adult in the congregation. Please wear them at services this weekend and at Shabbatot in the future so that we can help the Witkovsky/Beser family get to know us, and to help our congregants get to know each other better. There will be pronoun stickers available to place on the name tags.
  4. There is now an activities chest in the carpeted area outside of the sanctuary. This chest includes fidget spinners and devices, little games and kids books. We encourage those of you who may need (or whose family members may need) to bring them into the sanctuary and continue participating in our services. Please return them on your way out.   

As you enter Shabbat, here is our first video Shabbat message from Rabbi Witkovsky

You can also listen to just the audio here. 

We are pleased to share a new blog on our site where we will share posts and letters from our Clergy and others. The blog includes our welcome letter from Rabbi Witkovsky and a post about Highland Park from Rabbi Cooper.

Don’t forget to RSVP for the Beyond BBQ on Thursday evening and for Rabbi Witkovsky’s new class, Paradigm Shifts in Judaism. This class will be in person at the synagogue and followed by in person minyan and recorded for viewing afterwards.

We look forward to seeing you this weekend and in the coming weeks,


Weekend Calendar


Friday | July 8 | Witkovsky Welcome Shabbat

5:30 PM (live) | Fun appetizers & kid friendly foods | Sukkah
6:00 PM (hybrid) | Kabbalat Shabbat Services | Back Lawn | click here to join | Meeting ID: 981 2156 8250 | Passcode: Shabbat
7:00 PM (live) | Dessert | Sukkah
8:13 PM | Light Shabbat Candles 

Saturday | July 9 | Witkovsky Welcome Shabbat Continued
Torah Reading: Chukat

9:30 AM (hybrid) | Shabbat Services | Sanctuary | click here to join | Passcode: Yad
11:00 AM (live) | Cookie Minyan with Ari Schwartz and Tot Shabbat with Rachel Thomas |  Playground Porch due to weather
12:00 PM (live) | Kiddush Sponsored by Sisterhood | Cherry auditorium
9:22 PM | Havdalah

Sunday | July 10 

9:00 AM (zoom) | Shacharit (Morning Services) |  click here to join | Meeting ID: 840 2551 5571 | Passcode: Amida 
7:45 PM (zoom) | Ma'ariv (Evening Services) | click here to join | Meeting ID: 840 2551 5571 | Passcode: Amida


Sun, February 23 2025 25 Shevat 5785