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TGIS: Thank God it's Shabbat

11/18/2022 03:18:30 PM



Shabbat Shalom and an early Happy Thanksgiving. I have shared in the past that Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. Freedom's Feast is an organization that I have shared in the past that creates rituals around American holidays and they have some good options for Thanksgiving. 

Please enjoy Rabbi's Pre-Shabbat Message for this weekend

Please see JNF"s message about our school, Lisa Richman and several of our students

For the synagogue, we are trying out what we hope to be a new tradition. On Friday evening of Thanksgiving, we are inviting our college students and their families to join us for Kabbalat Shabbat services and a light dessert oneg.  Wear your college swag and this is a great opportunity to meet Rabbi Witkovsky. 

Anti-Semitism has unfortunately been in the news and pop culture recently. Taking aside all other conversations about the topic, this exemplifies the importance of our youth and school programs. Our students at LMAHH, our local hebrew high school have discussed recent events in their classes and our Confirmation students will be discussing Anti-Semitism on Sunday evening with Rabbi Witkovsky.  Our programs help to prepare our students for the world around them. 

Thank you once again to everyone that supported and came to/watched our installation weekend. The conversations about the future of the Jewish community were powerful and the turnout and involvement of so many generations demonstrated the strength of our community. The Seeds campaign will remain open until December 31st and there is still time to fill out the involvement survey. 

Please make sure to join us for our in-person minyanim on Sunday morning at 9:00am, Wednesday morning at 7:45am and evening at 7:45pm. We have many in our community that are saying Kaddish and we want to ensure that they have a minyan for them to say it. 

This Sunday's Rosh Hodesh program has been postponed and we look forward to seeing many of you at minyan,  our conversation to restart the Boomers/Empty Nesters program, Journey to Bar/Bat Mitzvah Program at 11am for fourth grade families, our Eagles Watch party at 12:15pm, and at confirmation at 6:30pm. Links and details below. 

Shabbat Shalom,


Weekend Calendar

Friday | November 18
6:00 PM (hybrid) | Kabbalat Shabbat Services | Sanctuary | Zoom Link | Passcode: Shabbat 4:25 PM | Light Shabbat Candles 

Saturday | November 19 Torah Reading: Chayei Sara 9:30 AM (hybrid) | Shabbat Services | Sanctuary | Zoom Link | Passcode: Yad 9:30 AM (live) | Lay-Led Service coordinated by the Havurah | Chapel/Chapel Patio 11:00 AM (live) | Tot Shabbat with  Rachel Thomas | Sukkah (Coslov if it is too clold) 11:00 AM (live) Mini Minyan and Cookie Minyan with Yehudit Rubin | Playground Porch (Library if it is too cold) 11:00 AM (live) Junior Congregation with Leora Levine | Coslov Patio (Conference room if it is too cold) 12:00 PM (live) | Congregational Kiddush sponsored by Sisterhood | Cherry Auditorium  4:30 PM (live) Havdalah Bat Mitzvah of Sylvie Neff, Daughter of Nancy and Rob Neff | Sanctuary 5:32 PM | Havdalah

Sunday | November 20 
9:00 AM (live) Religious School in Session 9:00 AM (hybrid) | Shacharit (Morning Services) | Chapel | Zoom Link | Passcode: Amida 9:00 AM (zoom) Boomers Interest Meeting | Zoom Link | Passcode: 288490 11:00 AM (live) | 4th Grade Journey Program 12:15 PM (live) | Men's Club Football Event | Cherry Auditorium 6:30 PM (live) | 10th Grade Confirmation Class |  7:45 PM (zoom) | Ma'ariv (Evening Services) | Zoom Link | Passcode: Amida


Sat, February 22 2025 24 Shevat 5785