TGIS: Thank God It's Shabbat
12/16/2022 03:42:42 PM
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Pardon my internet shouting, but even with everything going on in this world, there is a lot to be excited about and grateful for at TBH-BE. I am writing this immediately following our staff holiday lunch. I am so very thankful and privileged to work at this synagogue with a team of dedicated, loyal, and nice people – from our facilities staff, to our teachers, to our office and administrative staff, to our clergy and senior staff, we have genuinely good people working in this community.
I am also incredibly grateful for Rabbi Witkovsky's Pre-Shabbat Videos. Not only do they inspire me, but they also provide much of the content for this weekly message (even on week's like this that are particularly long)
Enjoy watching this week's message from Rabbi Witkovsky, a particularly fashion oriented piece.
Our congregation has been experiencing growth this year, 50 new households and counting. We have an incredible group of new members that are already getting actively involved and making an impact. There is a new member Havdalah this Saturday night that all new members have been invited to. For our newer members – a short history that this Friday email started during covid as a quick way to check-in on the community and highlight important initiatives. It is less about marketing about specific events (although that is sometimes included) and more about trying to be intentional about building and strengthening our community. To that end – for our greater community, if you would like to help us in welcoming in our new members, either through being on the membership committee, helping with events or hosting new members for a Shabbat meal, please let me know.
Speaking of community building – a members from our synagogue and beyond has been hosting an event at Project Home and other locations in the city each year called Merry Mitzvah. Prior to Covid, our Religious School parents would often cook and serve as a part of this initiative. Project Home has asked this group of they can support Christmas efforts at Saint Columbia’s, Women of Change, and Sacred Heart Recovery Residence. Each of these locations provide a safe haven for people living on the streets. This group will be purchasing food and gift cards for the residents. If you would like to support, please venmo Stacey Rabbino at @SRabbino. Are you like me and don’t have venmo? Email me how much you want to donate, mail in a check to the synagogue and we will take care of it for you.
Hanukkah starts this Sunday night – woooo! Our Hanukiah will be up in the lobby and groups that are meeting in the synagogue will have the opportunity to light together. There are a few communal opportunities this year for lighting the menorah:
- All of the Jewish community will be in Narberth at 5:15pm on Monday at Station Circle
- Sisterhood Latkes and Vodkas is on Monday evening
- Our Community Hanukkah Party will be on Wednesday evening where everyone is invited into the sanctuary to light the Hanukkiah at 6:00pm sharp, followed by our program in the Cherry.
I am particularly grateful this week for our Board of Directors. Our Board had a number of important conversations this past week, including on security. The Board of Directors has decided to work with our security company to hire a guard to cover the core ECC school day including the main carpool times. We are working with the company to hire the right person/people for the position and expect that someone will be starting in early to mid January.
Two other notes:
Stay late this Shabbat for our Shabbat lounge. Following kiddush, feel free to stay and hang out with board games, learning, snacks and afternoon prayer.
The facilities will be closed on Sunday, December 25 and January 1. Our daily minyan on thos days will be entirely virtual.
There are a lot of bugs going around. A reminder that we have our soup for the soul initiative and will drop off soup to people that need. Wishing you a great week! If you need anything, please let us know.
513 503 9559
Weekend Calendar
Friday | December 16
7:45 AM (zoom) | Shacharit (Morning Services) | Zoom Link | Passcode: Amida
6:00 PM (hybrid) | Kabbalat Shabbat Services | Sanctuary | Zoom Link | Passcode: Shabbat
4:19 PM | Light Shabbat Candles
Saturday | December 17
Torah Reading: Vayeshev
9:00 AM (live) | Shabbat School in Session
9:30 AM (hybrid) | Shabbat Services | Sanctuary | Zoom Link | Passcode: Yad
11:00 AM (live) | Tot Shabbat with Josh Shachter | Sukkah
11:00 AM (live) | Mini Minyan Ari Schwartz | Chapel
11:00 AM (live) | Cookie Minyan with Yehudit Rubin | Coslov
11:00 AM (live) | Junior Congregation with Phil Nathanson | 201/202
12:00 PM (live) | Kiddush Sponsored by Sisterhood | Cherry Auditorium
1:00 PM (live) | Shabbat Winter Lounge! Open to all. Bring your Shabbat friendly games whether it’s Shoots and Ladders or Bridge and enjoy some food, friends, and learning
4:30 PM (live) | New Member Havdallah | The Witkovsky Home
5:27 PM | Havdallah
Sunday | December 18 | Erev Hanukkah (light 1 candle)
9:00 AM (hybrid) | Shacharit (Morning Services) | Chapel | Zoom Link | Passcode: Amida
9:30 AM (zoom) | Boomers Planning Meeting
7:45 PM (zoom) | Ma'ariv (Evening Services) | Zoom Link | Passcode: Amida
Sat, February 22 2025
24 Shevat 5785