TGISsquared - Thank God It's Shavuot and Shabbat
05/25/2023 04:02:07 PM
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Chag Sameach and Shabbat Shalom.
Please enjoy this week's video from Rabbi Witkovsky.
Thank you once again for all of those that have filled out our strategic planning survey. It will be kept open through Monday for anyone that still wishes to fill it out. On Tuesday, we begin to crunch data - and there is so much good data in here for us to look at, celebrate, and find ways to improve.
Tonight begins the holiday of Shavuot. There are multiple options to celebrate and learn together in person and online.
Tonight, is our Tikkun Leil Shavuot (Repair of the Night of Shavuot). It is a tradition to spend the night studying to honor the receiving of the Torah. Our Tikkun begins at 7:30pm and will go until 3:00am. It is available in person and online. Evening minyan will be at approximately 8:30pm. The complete schedule is available here. The study session and minyan are available online here.
Friday morning, we will have Shavuot festival services followed by kiddush.
Friday afternoon, from 1 - 3pm, there will be a special daytime learning featuring Erin Beser and Talya Fishman with babysitting available for those that are 4+.
Friday evening, we will have our Kabbalat Shabbat services at 6:00pm.
Shabbat morning, we will have our Shabbat and 2nd day of Shavuot services, featuring our Confirmation Class with Yizkor and kiddush to follow.
Yesterday, we sent our our letter inviting you to our Annual Meeting on Wednesday, June 14th. Please save the date and join us. We will start with a dessert reception and celebrate our year. Next week, we will be mailing out our membership renewal information. The packet includes our commitment form - telling us how you would like to pay next year/how to bill you, information on our Patron Commitment model, and other documents. Please fill it out and return it back to us. We do these forms each year, and our first billing of the year is sent out in August. We automatically bill anyone we have not heard back from - if you are planning on not being a member next year, please let us know so that we can appropriately mark that. If you have questions about the process, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
I want to let everyone know that Chubb, our long term facilities staff member, will be retiring next week. Chubb has been a reliable and valued member of our staff for almost 30 years. If you see him around, please make sure to say thank you!
We hope you have a meaningful Memorial Day weekend. There are activities all over our area, but I am always partial to the Narberth Memorial Day Service (no parade this year) at the War Memorial at 11:00am. We will recognize our veteran's on Shabbat. Looking to find resources to do something for Memorial Day? Check out Freedom's Feast.
Have a great week, a spiritual Shavuot and Shabbat and a meaningful Memorial Day!
Weekend Calendar
Thursday | May 25
Erev Shavuot
7:30 PM (hybrid) | Tikkun Leil Shavuot | See full schedule above | Zoom Link | Passcode: Amida
8:00 PM | Candle Lighting Time
8:30 PM (hybrid) | Maariv | Zoom Link | Passcode: Amida
Friday | May 26
9:30 AM (hybrid) | Festival Services | Sanctuary | Zoom Link | Passcode: Amida
12:00 PM (live) | Kiddush Sponsored by Sisterhood | Cherry Auditorium
1:00 PM (live) | Shavuot Learning and Youth Treasure Hunt | Coslov
6:00 PM (hybrid) | Kabbalat Shabbat Services | Sanctuary | Zoom Link | Passcode: Shabbat
8:01 PM | Candle Lighting Time
Saturday | May 27
9:30 AM (hybrid) | Shabbat and Festival Services with 10th Grade Confirmation Students | Sanctuary | Zoom Link | Passcode: Yad
11:00 AM (live) | Tot Shabbat with Rachel Thomas | Coslov
11:00 AM (live) | Mini/Cookie Minyan with Yehudit Rubin | Library
Approx. 11:20 AM (hybrid) | Yizkor | Sanctuary | Zoom Link | Passcode: Yad
12:00 PM (live) | Kiddush Sponsored by Confirmation Families | Cherry Auditorium
1:00 PM (live) | Birkat Hamazon (blessing after the meal) and Zemirot (songs)
1:40 PM (live) | Mincha | Sanctuary
9:10 PM | Havdallah Time
Sunday | May 28
9:00 AM (hybrid) | Shacharit (Morning Services) | Sanctuary | Zoom Link | Passcode: Amida
7:45 PM (zoom) | Ma'ariv (Evening Services) | Zoom Link | Passcode: Amida
8:00 PM (live) | ECC Dads and Discussions | Canceled
Monday | May 29
Memorial Day
7:45 AM (zoom) | Shacharit (Morning Services) | Zoom Link | Passcode: Amida
7:45 PM (zoom) | Ma'ariv (Evening Services) | Zoom Link | Passcode: Amida
Sat, February 22 2025
24 Shevat 5785